very exotic and detailed!
and...wait is...is it comin throu- O SHIT!
good work my coffee crazzed friend =O ( jk bout the crazyness lol )
very exotic and detailed!
and...wait is...is it comin throu- O SHIT!
good work my coffee crazzed friend =O ( jk bout the crazyness lol )
if it werent for coffee i'd have never gotten this done
so...life like...
what can i say?
no really what can i say?
its fuckin life like!
1994 was a great year...
i played this game with my pa back in florida at age 3 and jesh does this bring back memories.
nice artwork dude!
glad someone still is keepin him alive.
Oh yeah man, 16-bit for life.
Glad to help you relive some memories. :P
Thanks a bunch!
you should make a comic series called the ~SabSisters~
it would be a great comic book idea!
btw i noticed in 2 of the panels the register line says lane 2 and in the other one lane 3...lol you might wanna fix that XD
anyways great submission sabby!
lol Damnit! Everyone's wanting moar SabSisters. XD
hah - glad you got a kick out of the idea, too!
Also, the lane 2 lane 3 thing wasn't an error - i think I was trying to indicate that I'm facing a different way, so it was supposed to be a totally different sign alltogether. XD
Good eye, though! o:
that man is an inspiration to all slacking adventurers
nice semi-abstract btw
Curses...foiled again...
its awesome but...
im kinda curious, is that the Convict from pico's school?
he looks soo like him
No, it's slenderman. Look him up, you'll never sleep again.
christ in a fuckin hand purse this is beyond brilliant!
you pretty much have every type of color scheme to abstract all in 3 slides
i even noticed that you used the robo girl from your last artwork, very retro :D
this is by far your best piece of work!
exactly....how many cups of coffee did this take to make..lol?
There is no right or wrong in art, it simply just is, it is perspective experience within existence made from the audience, or the artist
Age 24, Male
Voice Actor, 3D Dev.
im right there--^
Joined on 9/4/08