I want to see shirtless dog catcher as a reoccurring character.
We need more insane laughing and stupid shit stunt car crashes from this beautiful artist.
I want to see shirtless dog catcher as a reoccurring character.
We need more insane laughing and stupid shit stunt car crashes from this beautiful artist.
That Tim Burners Lee bit actually left me a bit horrified.
Fear cuts deeper when a realized truth is revealed.
Those ballpark 4000MWe lights you have on in that building blinded those poor fuckers bellow.
Maybe if you took out those damn headphones and saved your employee, you would have heard the multiple crashes.
First the blown up building, then the orbital satellite, now this?
Seriously, who the hell approved of your permit lease?
it's just like the man on the corner wall street with the rainbow afro said, it's a social parasite.
stoner humor rocks.
You just gotta appreciate the animated gold quality of chatty characters standing in one spot for 30 fuckin minutes.
I know right, makes things better! :)
hey wait a damn minute...
Is Tom even aware of that network satellite you got hanging over the city?
Brutality and wonder.
Kreid, you are surely on the rise to heights and beyond.
i'm proud of you not just for your work, but the time you proved over the years as being a newgrounds underdog can be a man to match his metal against the world's critique.
You and boco both show that and still don't receive enough credit.
Great flash, short, sweet, as well as kept me sunk and grounded for more.
Feel proud man, feel fucking proud.
I think that's seriously one of the nicest things I've had said to me
nothing but new upvotes for old submissions.
some people just don't check the date of submissions anymore.
There is no right or wrong in art, it simply just is, it is perspective experience within existence made from the audience, or the artist
Age 24, Male
Voice Actor, 3D Dev.
im right there--^
Joined on 9/4/08