How bout flash photography?
For a second, i thought it was mother brain.
i think it looks like cyclopes Bowser
Backflipping bastard looks good even in 32 bit...
I love the stylistic simplicity of the suit.
The semi-checker pattern trailing downward spirals, keeping the eye moving along her body, with a silver ring hook thrown in the mix.
Her sleeves and pants take a more subtle tone with taper trimmed rings furthering the movement of the eye, BUT with a heavier set of both wrist and ankle bracers.
The scarf is opposite in contrast to the attire yet still manages to compliment the scheme entirely due to the flush abundance of orange and give the ensemble the finish it needs for a well balanced looking character design.
Short, sweet, and straight to the point.
Texture 8/10
Mobility 9/10
Shading 7/10
Overall 7/10
Good work, i'd like to see more.
Mucho Gracias for this very informative anf flattering review.
its both encouraging and helpful!
I am still going through a learning stage, so this kind of feedback is exactly what I need.
Thanx again.
Always loved the futuristic cyber punk city lights you'd see in 80's films with Newyork all grungy and tattered with advertisements.
Nice job Ren, however i would like to see a full weathered steel board with other signs of wear and tear or on plastered on a store front with concrete sidewalks and a lamp post.
I would love to see how you'd elaborate on this further.
I've already made some other stuff that were really easy but you are giving me some really interesting ideas.
Thank you :D
Will never forget this movie.
Do this more.
i'm getting that H4ck3r43v3r feeling.
this is pretty damn nice.
haha thanks man :D
There is no right or wrong in art, it simply just is, it is perspective experience within existence made from the audience, or the artist
Age 24, Male
Voice Actor, 3D Dev.
im right there--^
Joined on 9/4/08