where to begin...
Well straight away i notices the squigled red and cyan lines and immediately slapped on some special glasses. Right away i noticed that how you made it so my eyes constantly move about the picture as it turns the color of her jacket as well as other parts different colors.
that was interesting to find such an optical illusion within a moderately drawn piece!
Now on to the picture itself.
the body angled and expression are quite quirky, energetic yet still impose some strength to her body, as in, not soo loosely flailing her arms around to the point where she is normally in control that makes it more realistic.
The right foot being at an angle is very clever giving a great sense of weight and spaztic movement along with balance at the same time in repeated running motion.
the anatomy is well made!
Next the emotional expression.
Your eyes are always beautiful, every new piece i see, i always look your eyes and fall into some sort of a trance. It shows me that the character is cute, outgoing, caring and compassionate. Truly endearing to see your smiles, as it warms my cold heart for every chance i take a glance.
Your facial expression i love the most on newgrounds for it brightens my day with every new entry!
also i want to add in how i absolutely favor the backround cross hatch texture of dots and small circles behind the character design!
Now there is one quirk i have against the hair is that it seems too hardened and not loose like her golden locks should be.
but aside from the hair it was the last thing i noticed.
aside from all this, i love it, the white complements her teal and turquoise clothing along with the stylish pose.
hope this critic has done you well info wise!