pyramid head's long lost cousin, triangle face.
pyramid head's long lost cousin, triangle face.
yep thats it, only poor triangle face doesn't rape people and cart around a cutting implement.
not to bug on on your design but...
thinking about it, oddly enough, shes like a combination of trish from Devil may cry and tifa from ff7 when shes in her cowgirl outfit.
but noticing upon further inspection, she has a white barret at the end of her hair as well as the gloves making a huge difference so...idk i don't want to spoil your originality with my words :E
good drawing though!
The white barret was an accident, actually. Unfortunately, I lost the original in a crash, and I never got to finish it. She also has some gradients in her hair..but again..couldn't finish it. But thanks though~ :)
the one thing that came to mind when i saw this was a herd of those things yelling derp many times as they got owned...especially the jumping one.
thanks for the laugh!
soo many colored patterns, my eyes in a jumble @_@
i do so love the cheery colors in your works of art, and the balloon has nice design faded inside!
btw you feeling better from last post?
you seemed very down by the haters.
hope you're in better spirits ^_^
awww great...
you too hunh?
god it's soo good to see more 3D animators...
more competition means more motivation!
great work!
it's like beetle juice threw up...
bill should be at least a little transparent and have wings with a halo...
but nonetheless a good tribute.
holy crap...
you beat my Angel by an infinite distance.
the shading is quite divine and the lighted areas really define the angelic senses.
stylish job!
Now that's how posters are meant to be made, but i think there should be something else on the sides and bottom to complete it.
the crew itself seems futuristo punk city style.
really sets off a good anarchy atmosphere.
hope to see it more of this!
There is no right or wrong in art, it simply just is, it is perspective experience within existence made from the audience, or the artist
Age 24, Male
Voice Actor, 3D Dev.
im right there--^
Joined on 9/4/08