i can tell this is in fact 3D
cause where are the shadows?
simple duh its a great design man, so forget the zero point fuck wit trolls =P.
we 3d animators/modelers gota stick together amirite?
its incredible, so never stop creating!
i can tell this is in fact 3D
cause where are the shadows?
simple duh its a great design man, so forget the zero point fuck wit trolls =P.
we 3d animators/modelers gota stick together amirite?
its incredible, so never stop creating!
ok heres the thing...
for google sketch up this is pretty good...the thing is though i would stop right here.
Google sketch up is meant as a practice tool, not a professional one.
i'd suggest once you are what, 3 months into this switch up to using either autodesk products, blender, or zbrush cause you ain't gona get far in the industry with this if your aiming for that at all.
don't take this as an insult but i want to help you like many other sketch users that they shouldn't rely on this program for the entirety of an art form.
its great but stuff from sketch doesn't work as well in games and ect ect than other program would offer.
but then again you don't have to listen to me, just my point of view on it.
good job nonetheless!
again great!
your pretty good sketch artist and yes; will always be a sucker for stylish hack n slashes.
but again with dmc2 logo? 9 stars =/
also epic shading on the gun and flames!
thanks again^^
like the other one i did these afew years back and im now gutted i put the logo in
o hell yeah
devil may cry fan since the begining.
i just love stylish hack n slashes, just too bad that dmc is the only one.
i give you 9 stars because of dmc2 label above >:/
but overall a great tribute!
thank you very much^^
yeah i did these afew years ago so im gutted i put the logo in there now
i wouldn't touch him with a 35 and half times the square root of pie.34567813431bgbjfabewah AAAAAAHHH you know what i mean pole...
¬¬ lol
even though im not a fan of pokemon this is an interesting concept of mixing your avatar self and them in one kinda hybrid
if i had to be one...i'd beeeeeee a Vidtorb cause i got one hell of a temper ¬¬
lol, a couple of my friends wanted to take part in this too, and it's funny how much their choices end up matching their personality. My friend made his a Tyranitar---so I'll bet you can assume what his temperment is! :P
you know, looking back at all the criticism you gave me over the year has made me think of something...
I was wrong to think you were some person who gave critique and hadn't made an effort himself to contribute to the arts
I've looked at your works of art and they far supersed my own skill 3D or otherwise.
your words do speak from experience and my respect for you grows with every one of your entries, because your more than just a voice, your also a working mind behind it as well.
thank you for showing me that.
Well, I'm glad to see that you no longer see me as some pompous asshole.
Its sad that so many users here on Newgrounds get angry when they come across such opposition. It makes me wonder that if they can't take criticism over the internet, then how will they ever handle it in real life.
Thanks for being honest. I'm glad that I have earned a little of your respect. I hope to gain more in the future.
Thanks for the review, so far this piece has been better received than I thought it would be.
i so love that word
though it's position in meaning is often abused for stuff that's truly harmless you use it well in this picture like the Romans did with sculptures but with a bare spot occasionally.
you did this wonderfully even with the semi-vacant expression is somewhat pondering.
im glad someone here has a passion for human body's beauty that has limits.
a great balance in your artwork piece indeed!
Aww reading this made me tingle inside! hehe, thanks so much! Im glad you saw what i was going for. I do see nude bodies as art rather than just "OMG LETS HAZ SEX".
So again, thanks a bunch for your comment. ^__^
There is no right or wrong in art, it simply just is, it is perspective experience within existence made from the audience, or the artist
Age 24, Male
Voice Actor, 3D Dev.
im right there--^
Joined on 9/4/08