cool gif bro
cool gif bro
that looks sick
add more flare with a back round and i might even think you do graffiti!
here's a thought
maybe a rusty zipper on his mouth would have been much more symbolic and ironic.
if not, a tablet?
love how it feels like oil pastels and paint mixed together.
its just acrylic paint
the question mark in the flame was enough for me to review.
its quite symbolic if you made how it feels revealed through its flames like sadness anger happiness surprise or doubt.
looks like something straight from bioshock...
It does, actually. I never thought about it. I can see the resemblance between this and a Big Daddy.
i'm always soo intrigued when people portray themselves as cartoons.
yours is quite well done!
lol, thanks, I hope it looks like me... I think it does XD
company halt...
a 24 shot salute is in order.
party at BigBaldRon's house: bring shemale prostitutes.
you got some seriously sick shade splitting skills.
the backround compliments her as well.
its great overall!
this is great!
cant get enough of people being made in flash :D
i simply love it when people are portrayed as cartoons.
Thanks! glad you enjoyed it!
There is no right or wrong in art, it simply just is, it is perspective experience within existence made from the audience, or the artist
Age 24, Male
Voice Actor, 3D Dev.
im right there--^
Joined on 9/4/08