such a statment entitiles a response.
Were all destined to die some day, life and death are both loved and feared due to the concepts itself being designed for us to understand the cycle. all that we can do for ourselves and for others is to make the best of our existence; make fulfillments, achieve goals, and set opportunities for ourselves.
why fear the end when we know someday we will pass and allow a newer generation to bloom?
humans fear a basic three things.
1. the known
2. the unknown
3. death
We fear what can fancy our 5 senses and even the thought of things such as death; we know death is there but we do not know whats beyond, what is truly after our lives; but is it death itself we fear? or is it the pain during the procedure?
soo many things start to unravel how human perception originates that it begins to delve people too far into insanity.
so it's best not to dwell on it.
in the end, when i am called upon the cold iron fingers protruding from the veil of stitched charcoal colored robe, i will not run away, no, i will gladly take his skeletal hand and walk with him gracefully into the great beyond.