cool gif bro...
cool gif bro...
The balance of nature dictates that one day humans will be stepped on by bugs.
sometimes the things we fear mostly come from within.
they are a part of us until we face it and put fear into it.
Rez from Gex was my childhood nightmare.
and i overcame him when i realized he was nothing more than liquid sound.
nah nah man
I pretty much lol'd at the "kill him a third time" bit.
that was pretty funny.
im not sure how do describe this...
i mean you've certainly got basic shading down and the emphasis on the eye is quite beautiful. I'm just not sure i can sum it all up in one word. Anyway she's quite the cutey and the idea of wearing hair as a dress is pretty funny but in a good original way.
i've noticed some of your other pieces too but this one seemed to have caught my eye. i mean in the sense she's off looking away from the viewers and directly and the "o don't mind me" expression.
i feel that this should at the very least be a teen rating, even though she is...technically nude ¬_¬...
regardless this gets a 9
o and welcome to newgrounds, hope you enjoy yourself in the wonders of the community(and by wonders i mean the spam and trolling =P)
Aww thank you very much~ Yeah I'm no good with ratings I'm sorry ;O; don't mind me~ But I appreciate this thank you <3 I'm enjoying myself so far~
doodling in class and gettin away with it is fun
those pac dots really fuck you up son...
i see he's succumbed to it's trippy effects.
ok get this...
Dante the barbarian lol
yeah, i love drawing belts an big swords :B
i love it when people portray themselves how they would look as cartoons.
it's just that awesome.
hmm not bad
i like your cartoon self; not enough cyclops around here.
There is no right or wrong in art, it simply just is, it is perspective experience within existence made from the audience, or the artist
Age 24, Male
Voice Actor, 3D Dev.
im right there--^
Joined on 9/4/08