:( )
:( )
he was soo pissed he had to steal flapjack's candy.
that's no way to be a hero.
And a good day to you too lad!
simply love it!
it's always so awesome when people are portrayed as how they are in cartoon form.
you do fine work here friend!
Haha actually these are OC requests XD.
Cornucopia on his head nom...
thanksgiving devil maybe?
anyway your drawings always are an enjoyable treat to view!
but it could use more lighting.
if you use autodesk max, may i suggest the mr sun and mr sky modifier?
pretty good basework for a katana though!
my my...
what a healthy mind you have!
Thank you!
*ponders for a moment at comment below*
You cant truly judge abstract art.
There is no such thing even as critique that can be given with abstract.
Abstract itself is only made to have confusion surrounding it; no one true meaning or definition.
therefore i give this a 9.
though i like how archaic it is, i think more can be added to it.
good work though.
Hey WTF!!??!?!
that guy below me...
eh...wait what what is this now?
There is no right or wrong in art, it simply just is, it is perspective experience within existence made from the audience, or the artist
Age 24, Male
Voice Actor, 3D Dev.
im right there--^
Joined on 9/4/08