aww how sad...
i bet mister tibbers would love to take a tour with me to see the wood chipper factory.
aww how sad...
i bet mister tibbers would love to take a tour with me to see the wood chipper factory.
You gotta love, and hate tibbers at the same time ;D
Its just the receiving end that don't like him so much
Hmm I got it!
How about call yourself CataPhract?
Basically means protects the whole self.
That your a truly strong with your inner and outer self.
It's much more sleek and catchier than catco617.
you don't have to but i thought it would be cool for some odd reason.
Cheers! :D
Heh, thanks for the suggestion. :3 I think I'll keep it catc0617, though... Been my username for a long while, on numerous sites. But I'll keep that in mind if I need an alternate name... That's cool! Thank you!
how adorable.
Naturally i love the color saphire blue; makes me feel how endearing your use of such color is well place amongst the scene.
The reflection adds on to the doll in a glass box feeling, even though shes outside.
it makes me feel like that's what you were going for; making the viewers believe she is a doll in the world and a delicate heart felt girl at that.
it didn't melt my eyes, but did warm my heart!
Why, thank you! A humbling review, thank you so much. (:
want it in 3D?
wow! that'd be cool!
chell better move.
LOL, Portal 3 will should have huge werewolfs. Many thanks
i thought this was caveman spongebob
That probably would have been just as cool. I'm sorry I failed you.
Oh hey, it's you again!
I just remembered how you would always post both peaceful and disturbing art works. That's right, almost a year has it been since i've seen your work, How've you been?
Pretty good, Nothing spectacular.
uh my god...
Christ...beast why do you make eyes i cant stop staring at?
it's too damn cute T T
also nice gradient texture.
i'm glad you like it ;u;
this has been the shadiest use of creepo 3D i've seen since cincol83.
(typing his name will do you no good, you cannot find him)
Thanks for your comment!
There is no right or wrong in art, it simply just is, it is perspective experience within existence made from the audience, or the artist
Age 24, Male
Voice Actor, 3D Dev.
im right there--^
Joined on 9/4/08