If they don't get this reference, this will sorely disappoint dear old alex.
If they don't get this reference, this will sorely disappoint dear old alex.
I wonder if I should have worked in the phrase "Viddy this, my brothers" somewhere in there.
annie m-
ohh clever.
Design is simplistic yet memorable.
Expression is wary and curious.
Posture is reserved as well as coiled.
there's metal in our blood and she wants to drink it.
Call her Coppermouth.
i would like to see more of this character fleshed out.
I remember how much you didn't like that back 2 years at picoday when they broke out the box full of them.
It made for a hell of good photos but man i feel bad now.
Out of curiosity...did they trash that recording?
That was my first cigar, too. Still got the pictures of Jordan and I coughing and wincing at the terrible smell. lmao
I thiiink they kept the Sleepycast recording for that night, yeah. Thankfully I don't think we were recording when I was heaving over the garbage can. lol Might show up as a lost episode. I don't know since I don't do the edits.
Anatomy and bone structure are pretty spot on.
Lighting and textures are superb.
But the only thing that seems out of place is her facial expression; it seems a tad unmoved, dull and too calm for the battlefield.
Other than that, this is a sick piece.
You can take him...
It was consumed by a flesh eating rose bush, thorns and all.
How the hell did you make this so quickly?
He passed away just yesterday, and yet you can make these on a moments notice is quite impressive.
Well done.
That banana pack is sick.
Someone's been playing hotline miami...
There is no right or wrong in art, it simply just is, it is perspective experience within existence made from the audience, or the artist
Age 24, Male
Voice Actor, 3D Dev.
im right there--^
Joined on 9/4/08