Wasn't aware you could take a selfie on skype.
Wasn't aware you could take a selfie on skype.
the internet is full of surprises
Call him Dawn Fist.
The man who held the sun in his hand and lived.
Wonderful color flow, and backround to match.
this it's pleasantries come from it's simplicity and it warms the heart.
might actually be poster worthy if given a frame.
thank you very much!!!
Thought she was about to say cross dresser.
that would've made a lot more sense...
The strongest will eventually die of boredom, with no one to challenge it, withering is all that is left.
Life is the first truth.
Time is the only constant.
adapting is the greatest expectation.
Death is the final unknown.
This creature will not realize any of these.
How does one join this team of graffiti artists?
I too love living a life of drawing nothing but funny punk.
I have 4 people in my team you know printing, detail and stuff
IGN 9.9/10
Not Perfect.
She's a beautiful representation.
Warmth and glowing color, emanating in a radiant shower shows a figure worth looking up to.
Astute, proud, yet with calming compassion; a teacher of morale and a preacher of knowledge; a motherly figure in all aspects to be there when you need her and to let you go when you want her.
She would appear fair, yet just; not to coddle but to care for.
Her name would most likely derive from "mater universi" or
Venu'ty mother of the universe.
good job.
I see ash is working on another grineer.
Wonderful picture, the swells and shading are eye catching.
Nah, forget Warframe. Just grineer-like design is amazing somehow.
I said go find a voice!
Not go chucking biscuit people on the road.
come on...
Well to do that i need a good female voice actor... My voice and my friend voice are a little anoying to make her voice :c
There is no right or wrong in art, it simply just is, it is perspective experience within existence made from the audience, or the artist
Age 24, Male
Voice Actor, 3D Dev.
im right there--^
Joined on 9/4/08