you can literally feeeeel the tension in each page thickening.
you can literally feeeeel the tension in each page thickening.
well don't this old posh coot look swanky?
Backround has a nice mesmerizing decent bringing direction that pulls towards the centerfold of the piece.
Shading shows excellent direction of light and anatomical proportions are impeccable.
Pretty damn fine cross over.
Funny, this animation/videogame clash got me to thinking how gunther hermann would accept a gentleman's agreement with batou.
fuckin love your comics;
They're gritty and rough much like Wernette's style but with more bombastic color and twisting bent anatomy.
keep at it, i'll keep watching.
Thanks VidGameDude!
it's a madworld out there of twisted steel and ridged concrete.
what better way to spend it than drinking soda.
The shading is fantastic, angle is phenomenal, and the colors mix well with the feeling from dregs of the earth underground atmosphere.
pretty sleek bro.
It was then Jole Fagstein was arrested and charged for assault, battery, and manslaughter, where then he was to be tried as an adult; resulting in 27 years prison, little chance for parole, and paired with his new cellmate burkle the butt bruiser.
Morale of the story?
Karma is a fickle bitch ya tweeds.
wouldn't it selfdestruct under it's own irony?
In an explosion with the word 'Bang' in sarcastic italics.
This and beat from jet set radio, loved them both.
great games that utilized music as the main atmospheric plot.
great tribute, no doubt ego will love this.
She's in her rightful place like all women should be.
Outside, walking through life's open doors, making something of herself and daring to take the plunge from new heights.
I know plenty of men who should do this too.
There is no right or wrong in art, it simply just is, it is perspective experience within existence made from the audience, or the artist
Age 24, Male
Voice Actor, 3D Dev.
im right there--^
Joined on 9/4/08